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 St Louis de Montfort's

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Student Wellbeing

St Louis de Montfort's Primary School Aspendale

Wellbeing is at the heart of everything we do here at St Louis De Montfort.  We value the unique qualities of each child and believe that all people are created in God’s image and have an immeasurable worth and sacred dignity.  Our holistic approach to promoting and building wellbeing in every child gives students the opportunity to develop resilience, confidence, compassion and respect for all.  We have a positive education approach to building personal and social skills within our school community.


Social Emotional Learning

Social Emotional Learning develops self awareness, the ability to manage emotions, set goals and strong interpersonal skills.  These skills are an important component of a person’s ability to build compassionate and caring relationships with others both at school and home.


Programs used to support social emotional learning at St Louis:

  • Rights, Resilience and Respectful Relationships

  • You Can Do It

  • Bounce Back

  • Making Jesus Real

  • Buddy Session

  • Circle Time

  • Lunchtime Clubs

  • Student Leadership Program


All of our  staff are committed to the wellbeing of all students in their care and we have a dedicated Student Support team.


Learning Diversity

Our Learning Diversity staff work alongside classroom teachers with a joint goal of providing rich and creative learning experiences for all students. 


Our focus at St Louis de Montfort's is to use a systematic approach to planning for diverse learners. Teacher expertise and the invaluable work of our Learning Support Officers interconnect, to ensure that students receive the opportunities they need to flourish. Learning is supported within the mainstream classroom using flexibility of instruction, visual supports and resources, curriculum differentiation and targeted teaching. For students who require a more specific approach, our student support group meets regularly with teachers and support staff to discuss and plan for individual needs. We build strong relationships with parents and use Program Support Group meetings to tailor personal learning plans for students with specific needs. Our strength based Personal Learning Plans integrate external specialist recommendations and detail short term goals and adjustments that are required to enable learner growth and success. Teachers use ongoing monitoring and assessing of the program to make adjustments accordingly. 


We are proud to support our diverse learners through both explicit teaching, and creative learning experiences that promote curiosity, interest and passion.

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships

What is the Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships project?

Resilience, Rights and Respectful Relationships is part of the Victorian Government commitment to address family violence and promote gender equity through education. It focuses on challenging negative attitudes such as prejudice, discrimination and harassment which can lead to violence often against women.

Why Respectful Relationships?

In Australia there are unacceptably high rates of family violence.  Research shows that cultural change is necessary and that the education setting can play an integral role in this.

What is Family Violence?

Family violence and abuse is a serious and deeply entrenched problem in Australia. It has significant impacts upon the lives of men, women and children. It knows no boundaries of gender, geography, socio-economic status, age, ability, sexual preference, culture, race or religion.

Domestic violence between partners, boyfriends and girlfriends violence between other family members, elder abuse, child abuse and sexual abuse are all different forms of family violence.

Thankfully reducing family violence against women and children has been firmly on the agendas of government for many years. Now is the time to move to the next, more sophisticated stage of tackling the problem: recognising men as victims as well.


Family Violence Against Women

In Victoria, male intimate partner violence is the leading contributor to death, disability and illness for women aged 15 to 44 years.

The 2013 Australian Bureau of Statistics’ Personal Safety Survey found that

  • One in five Australian women have experienced sexual violence.

  • One in three Australian women have experienced physical violence

  • One in four Australian women have experienced emotional abuse by a current or former partner

  • Young women (18–24) are two times more likely to experience sexual assault, compared to all women.


How can we change this?

  • A good education is about more than simply getting good marks. It is about becoming a member of society and succeeding in life – knowing how to build respectful relationships is key to achieving this.

  • Evidence presented to the Royal Commission into Family Violence was clear that school-based prevention is effective to reduce the incidence of family violence.

  • The Royal Commission into Family Violence specifically recommended the Victorian Government mandate Respectful Relationships into schools and do this using a best practice whole of school approach.

Program Outline

Topic 1 - Emotional Literacy 

Emotional literacy can be defined as the ability to understand ourselves another people. This topic focuses on the ability to understand, express and manage our own emotions, build empathy and to respond appropriately to the emotions of others.


Topic 2 - Stress Management

Children and young people need a vocabulary to help them recognise and understand strengths and positive qualities in themselves and others. The topic provides learning activities to build this vocabulary and to use it when discussing personal, social and ethical challenges.


Topic 3 - Positive Coping

This topic provides opportunities for students to discuss different types of coping strategies. Students are introduced to the concept of self-talk to approach and manage challenging situations. Positive self-talk is a key strategy for coping with negative thoughts emotions and events.


Topic 4 - Problem Solving

This topic supports students to develop skills and to apply them to scenarios exploring personal, social and ethical dilemmas.


Topic 5 - Stress Management

Children and young people experience a range of personal, social and work-related stressor in their early life. This is about explicitly teaching positive approaches to stress management.  The lessons focus on self- calming strategies.


Topic 6 - Help Seeking 

This topic focuses on students discussing the importance of seeking help and providing peer support when dealing with problems that are too big to solve alone.


Topic 7 - Gender and Identity

This topic assists students to challenge stereotypes and critique the influence of gender norms on attitude and behaviour.  Focus on the importance of respect within relationships.


Topic 8 - Positive Gender Relations  

This topic focuses on building an understanding of the effects of gender-based violence and focus on the standards associated with respectful relationships. They develop peer support and help-seeking skills that can be applied in response to situations involving gender based violence in family, peer, community or on line relationships.

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